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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The North Wall ...again!

Its that time of year when anything can turn up....but as I missed the recent Glossy Ibis, Curlew Sandpipers and the Wryneck at Church Norton I thought another wander along to the Breech Pools might be productive.
Little Egret in early morning light on the Lagoon.

Collared Doves along the tide line.

Oystercatcher on the shore line.

Wheatear on a post...allowing close approach.

Whimbrel on the mud.

A party of three Spotted Redshanks in Whites Creek.

A Black Tailed Godwit feeding just below the wall...on the harbour side.

 ...and then it was Yellow Wag fest. time!!! They were everywhere....250 +. An amazing site as they flew up in a cloud and then dived back down again, some straight amongst the cattle but others
perching in the bushes.

Last but not least a Common Sandpiper searching for crabs by the sluice. Having found one he would run down to the water and wash it and return for another.

No rarities but a pleasant couple of hours.

...and here's a few pics from earlier in the week

Wheatear on the Spit

Reed Bunting early one morning 

Bedraggled Whitethroat...there have been many about this week...feeding up before the long journey south.
A Black Swan on the Lagoon has been around for a couple of weeks.

Canada Goose over the Lagoon

 More Whimbrel.

A couple of well known birders on the 'hunt' on the North Wall

That's about it for now!

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