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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Red-Necked Phalarope!!

 When a WhatsApp message came up reporting a Red-Necked Phalarope on the Ferry this was a bird not to be missed. So a hurried change of plans for the day resulted in an an immediate visit to the RSPB info centre where parking was very difficult. It wasn't as a result of a massive twitch but there was, in fact,  a  pond dipping event going on! Children and parents everywhere.

Having reached the hide there were only four other birders present and after some help in locating the bird through the 'scope at the far end of the pool I decided it was almost too distant for photography but I gave it a go and here are a few record shots....heavily cropped. 

I picked it out initially being chased by an Avocet

...and then noticed the difference in size between it and a Redshank!

It was a long way off...

...but nevertheless I was delighted to see it

I later learned that the previous occurrence of a RNP at Pagham Harbour was 2015. 

It really was a stonking bird.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

A Week in Wales

 Five years ago we visited the Elan Valley in Powys and strayed in a superb house on the Elan Estate. At the time we promised ourselves a return visit and so, a week in May 2024 was decided upon to replicate the dates of the previous visit. The valley was just as beautiful and the weather turned out to  be a lot better than the forecast a few days before we arrived. On the previous occasion I saw many of the species for which this part of Wales is famous but, as a keen amateur photographer, I always believed there was room for  improved photographs....especially when Dippers and Wood Warblers were concerned, species not found in Pagham Harbour!

I visited all the previous sites I had found these two species and spent best part of the week searching these areas in a vain attempt to capture the ultimate photograph. Not only did I not photograph either species I neither heard them or had the opportunity to photograph them! I had a fleeting glimpse of a Dipper for a mere 20 seconds as it flew up the Wye near the Gilfach Nature Reserve just west of Rhayader, but that was it. Very strange!

The Pied Flycatchers and  Redstarts were showing well but even so the numbers appeared to be reduced. However it was a very enjoyable time and a visit to the Osprey nesting site in the Dyfi Osprey Project Centre proved successful as a trout was being disgorged during our time there.          

A very distant and highly cropped shot (Canon R7 8oomm)

Goosanders on the River Elan

Pied Flycatcher (m) 

Female Pied Flycatcher...calling non-stop.

Grey Wagails ...the most numerous species all along the streams and rivers.

Siskin on the feeder at Ynys Hir RSPB reserve

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Tree Pipit, Gilfach Reserve

Numerous Kites!!

An interesting break in a totally different habitat from Pagham  but will have to visit again  to check on Wood Warblers and Dippers...a good excuse to return sometime!

Monday, April 29, 2024

A week in Suffolk

 We have just returned from a holiday in Thorpeness, Suffolk and today, back home, have enjoyed sunshine, warmth and no wind! What a contrast to last week which to put it mildly was disappointing.

However, all was not lost and the camera was useful to capture a few shots which I show below. 

However I dipped out on the Surf Scoter at Walberswick, the female Red Backed Shrike at Minsmere and the Glossy Ibis at Hollesley and was about to leave for home when a flock of Waxwings turned up at Saxmundham. Hey-ho, that's birding!

However here are a few photos as a reminder for me as much as anything else!

Drake Mandarin on The Meare, Thorpeness.

Drake Wood Duck at The Meare Thorpeness. There was also a  female in attendance 

The now familiar sight...Great White Egret at Minsmere...from North Hide

Grey Heron close up

Aggression between two Black Tailed Godwits

A much calmer Black Tailed Godwit just in front of the scrape hide

Displaying Black Headed Gulls

One of several dozen Sandwich Terns from South Hide, Minsmere

Kittiwakes at Sizewell

Dartford Warbler. Dunwich Heath

Stone Curlews   Minsmere.

We shall return later in the year and hope to have more favourable conditions

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

One very obliging Dartford Warbler on Pagham Spit this morning!

 A cracker of a bird viewed from the hard standing of the old Spit hide in gorse just 20' away.

One of those moments you just cant stop taking photos.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

What a bird!

Had the good fortune to be on Pagham Spit this morning and was admiring the huge flocks of Brent Geese which were preparing for their flight to their breeding grounds when this White Tailed eagle took off from a mud bank which was just out of sight from me.  Wow, what a bird! It leisurely made off towards the eastern side of the harbour just as the huge flock of Brent took off from just in front of me and I lost it in the distance.


A pair of Ringed Plovers were engaged in display flights and the Brents were chatting to each other in a large group obviously discussing which flight path to take. On two occasions they headed out to sea only to return to the relative peace and calm of Pagham Harbour.

A lone Rock Pipit was feeding along the tideline...