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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

A look back at February

Following a very wet January, February proved a very dry month with little rain. Birding days were in scarce supply for me due to various other demands on the domestic front. 

However, here are few reminders of some of the species I noted on the days when time permitted.

On February first I was able to spend a little time along the North Wall and as usual there were plenty of ducks and waders. Wigeon predominated the duck scene.

Masses of Lapwing were in the fields and on the mudflats.

Unusually a flock of  17 Snipe were circling over the Honer farm's just 13

A lone Redwing was in the wood adjoining Halsey farm

 A massed flock of Black Tailed Godwits provided quite a spectacle.

Magpie on the look out.
Marsh Harrier hunting over the Honer fields
Up at Pagham Spit there were a couple of Goldeneyes
...and the Snow Bunting lingered in its usual spot for about 3 weeks

On several occasions I have seen a couple of Dartford Warblers in the bramble and gorse at the end of the spit but until last weekend I had been unable to get a photo and only then did I get a couple of record shots.

More  often then not the movement at the bottom of a gorse bush turned out to be a Wren!

Numbers of Linnets are now building up on the spit and hopefully will soon be prospecting for nest sites in the now somewhat depleted areas of gorse and bramble surrounding the former little Lagoon

Turnstones continually turning stones on the beach, as they do!

Still plenty of Brent geese in the harbour but they do seem to be getting restless now at the end of the month. I have a diary note from previous years that more and more start departing on or around March 10.

This rather sleepy Curlew seems to have a favourite spot alongside the path from the Lagoon to the harbour entrance . It has been very faithful to this site for most of the winter. 

Pagham Lagoon held the usual Little Grebe, a few Tufted Ducks an occasional Goldeneye and numerous Coots!

This Grey Heron visited the garden pond and stole 48 Goldfish one weekend. I only know it was him as I caught this photo of him circling the garden and landing in next doors fir tree eyeing the now fishless pond!

Back in the garden Greenfinches are getting frequent visitor with 6 or more at times fighting over the seed feeders. Here's one showing aggression towards another.

During most of the winter we have had a female Blackcap which favours the flowers of a Camelia. It was accompanied by a male earlier in the year but is now present for most of the day feeding presumably from tiny insects inside the bloom
...and in the process getting a rather unusual head colour from the nectar.

Spring must be just round the corner....its been a long winter!