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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


After the dreadful weather experienced during the past few days it was good to get out again this morning! The clouds have cleared and it is an almost clear sky, although the forecast is not too hopeful for the rest of the week. A superb flock of about 300 knot flew low over the saltings and then straight over my head making a wonderful whoooshing sound as their wings beat the air in rapid flight! Brent Geese were feeding along the tideline and 5 Red Breasted Mergansers fished in the harbour entrance. A Shelduck enabled a very close appoach and I could see it had a broken wing but it struggled off the shingle and onto the water and did not permit me to get it...otherwise I would have taken it to the local Bird Hospital.

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