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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Perishing Pagham!

It is very windy and miserably cold today so the need for extra layers was essential when I made my way to the harbour spit hide. However I was rewarded by the vast numbers of birds now present... 145 Mediterranean gulls on the Lagoon, at least 400 Black Tailed Godwits wheeling over the harbour plus hundreds of Knot, Dunlin,Grey and Golden Plover and all the 'usuals'. 3 Avocets are still feeding in the main channel and a Peregrine made several unsuccesful stoops on various waders.
Pintail, Wigeon, Teal and Shelduck are the most numerous of the ducks but there are smaller numbers of Red Breasted Mergansers and Goldeneye throughout the harbour. With a forecast of snow on Sunday and Monday it will be interesting to see the effect this will have on the birdlife. ..but for now I'm battening down the hatches and staying in the warm!

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