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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

A Sussex/Pagham first for me!

 As I was returning from my walk around the spit this morning I met up with Nick Bond who was looking for the reported Hooded Crow which I assured him wasn't on the spit this morning! As we parted he commented that if he did find it he would tweet me. Sure enough as soon as I returned home I received a tweet, so hurriedly set out again and met up with him and Gareth James having reasonable long distance views off the beach. I only had the 400mm lens but with a little bit of stealth I managed to get  somewhat closer and it eventually flew to the high tide mark giving the opportunity of a few long distance (albeit cropped) shots.....

 A first Sussex tick for me!

Earlier in the harbour I found an unusual Brent Goose with a very noticeable white head. Initially I only saw the head and that had me puzzled...

A little later I had a decent view 
Leucistic or cross breed...I know not!

Returning via the Lagoon I took a few shots of a resplendent Tufted Duck....just look at that tuft!!

Spring is on the way....hopefully!

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