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Pagham Birder: The Blog

A regular account of the birds seen mainly on and around Pagham Spit, the Lagoon and the North Wall plus other birding exploits from time to time.
Any news of interest regarding the ongoing erosion problems on Pagham Beach will, from now on, be shown on my other blog together with general beach photos.. Click on the link... Pagham Beach Blog on this page.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Squacco Heron...success at last!

7.00am at the North Wall and there it was circling the field just south of Halsey Farm. Managed to secrete myself behind the bushes and slowly it emerged from a dry ditch through the tall grass....stalking grasshoppers. Not an easy subject to photograph due to distance and the long grass but here are a few shots of the many taken.

At least a record of a UK tick for me and a first for the Selsey Peninsular records book.
A bonus came when two Cattle Egrets decided to join the Squacco...

An unusual sight for Pagham ...from left to right...Squacco Heron(typical view in long grass), Little Egret and two Cattle Egrets.
Just to add to the excitement a Kingfisher was flying up and down the rife to the left of me.

A good morning.

 Later in the morning back at base a Green Woodpecker visited the bird bath and after drinking decided on a bath.

Clean but a little bedraggled.

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